Monday, April 3, 2017

Optimizing glibc

So for our course's final assignment, we are tasked with finding a function in glibc, and then to optimize it. At first I assumed this project would have been a relatively easy (spoiler: it's not), and decided to leave picking my function to the last minute (literally, I picked it in class when others were presenting on their selected functions). I ended up stumbling upon the function "strstr", a function used to locate the first occurrence of a string inside of another string. After reviewing the contents of the function however I was forced to conclude that I (with my current knowledge) am unable to further optimize it.

Instead I decided to look at the function "strfry" where it shuffles the contents of the string. At first glance I thought it would also be optimizable, but now I'm not so sure. I need to discuss this with our professor.

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